Students’ merit awards may be conferred in the following categories:

1)      Teachers’ Proficiency Award – Student/s securing the highest marks from all combined subjects (not less than 60%)

1st & 2nd semesters - Rs 2500.00 and citation.

3rd & 4th semesters – Rs 2500.00 and citation

2)      Principal’s  Merit Award – Student/s scoring the highest marks (not less than 60%) in the end semester examination – Rs 5000.00  and citation

3)      Dr H.Vanlalhluna  Award ( former  Principal) – a student securing the highest marks in Political Science in the  final examination  – Cash  award of Rs 2000.00 and citation (for one student).

4)      Professor Darchhawna  Award  (former  Principal) -  a  student securing the highest marks in History in the final examination – Cash award of Rs.5000 .00 and citation (for one student).

5)      Lalthlengliana (Ex-Chairman, Governing Body) Award – a student securing the highest marks in Mizo in the final examination – Cash award of Rs.2500.00 with citation (for one student).

6)      Ralkhuma (Ex- Chairman, Governing Body) Award – a student securing the highest marks in Economics in the final examination – Cash award of Rs.5000.00 with citation (for one student).

7)      C.Lalkunga (Ex-Vice Chairman, Governing Body) Award – a student securing the highest marks in Education in the final examination – Cash award of Rs.4500.00 with citation (for one student).

8)      Momento of  Rs.500.00 to each rank holder in the University examination.


Updated: 13-Apr-2021